Specialised Neuroinclusion Training for Caregivers, Organisations, Schools and Clinicians

Our goal is to promote and celebrate neurodiversity in all its forms, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. Our training programmes are designed to provide caregivers, healthcare professionals, businesses, schools, and organisations with the knowledge and tools they need to create inclusive environments and support neurodivergent individuals. Our expert trainers are passionate about advocating for neurodiversity and bringing about positive change in the world. Join us in our mission to embrace and celebrate the diversity of the human mind.

Neurodevelopmental conditions have a pervasive impact across many different spheres of an individual’s life and can hinder optimal functioning. Our comprehensive listing of talks and training are provided with the insight and tools required to enact change and lend support. Every individual is unique. Every case has different overlapping difficulties. Yet, through knowledge, we can pursue effective teamwork – and, with sincere understanding and empathy, work towards a more inclusive and functional future.  

We offer training to the following:

  • Family and community members
  • Schools and education professionals
  • Partner organisations
  • Healthcare and allied professionals
  • Workplaces

We offer training events across our NDC offices.

Current training events running

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Training workshops

Diagnostic training for healthcare professionals

Diagnostic training for professionals

We offer accredited diagnostic training for professionals in the form of the UK National Autistic Society’s Diagnostic Interview for Social Communication Disorders (DISCO).

CPD-accredited training workshops

We offer online lay and CPD-accredited training on various topics related to the overlapping neurodevelopmental (ESSENCE) ‘differences’/challenges and how individuals, families, or larger organisations with these differences can be understood and supported. It is essential to tell us more about your need, concerns or preferences so that we can provide information on which of our workshops, seminars, or interactive programmes may support you.  

Naturally, the depth of a talk will rely on several factors, most notably:

  • The duration of the requested discussion: for example, shorter seminars (e.g., one hour) may be broader in content and focus than would be the case for longer workshops or presentations.
  • Topic- or age-group-specific talks (e.g., facilitation of primary school autistic children with ESSENCE) will have greater depth than overview talks (e.g., an overview of neurodevelopmental support in the classroom).
ECD, school and tertiary education centre-based training workshops

Our training in education settings, institutions, or groups provides a comprehensive scope for any requested topic identified as an area of need or supported by the school or learning institutions. Although a bespoke talk would not be accredited with SACE, the Neurodiversity Centre is a registered SACE provider.

We take great care in understanding the organisational/institutional need and design and deliver our workshops accordingly.

Each talk or workshop will begin with a presentation of a particular theme or psycho-educational overview by an NDC psychologist, followed by an opportunity for questions and engagement around the session’s specific themes and the support needs within the group. An example of this would be for an ECD setting experiencing challenges in responding to and supporting learners who have different ‘ways’ or pathways to learning due to their neurodevelopmental ‘differences’ and the social, mood-regulation, communication, or independence challenges they may be experiencing. Our programmes seek to support each learning setting in providing an authentically ‘safe’, accessible and responsive environment for its different learners to encourage learning, growth, and optimal quality of life across all domains.

Workshops will commence with practical training, comprising theoretical and conceptual as well as practical guidelines around the learner group’s ‘common’ experiences, strengths, challenges or other barriers to learning (and being in the world). Our perspective is grounded in the critical need to understand how neurodiverse individuals experience the world – and what happens in their nervous system. Training content does not seek to ‘label’ or provide an ‘outside-in’ approach but rather to engender deeper and more helpful understanding regarding the neurodiverse learner’s way of experiencing the world.

Perpetuating existing labels and language may only further isolate learners and reduce the extent to which they are truly understood, respected, and included. Our psycho-education aims to provide clear and well-elaborated explanations for students’ common difficulties and experiences, where these stem from, and how they may manifest. The critical focus is to provide more profound training beyond targeting behaviour towards a ‘felt’ and genuine understanding of the students’ way of being in the world. This includes a practical toolkit for creating more facilitative, responsive, and helpful pathways for safe learning, development and autonomy.

Training in the workplace

The Neurodiversity Centre also offers specialist consultation, training, workshops and collaborative support programmes for individuals and employers on supportive inclusion, advocacy and workplace optimisation. Our neurodiverse workplace programme content depends on the needs of the individual or organisation.

Bespoke Psychoeducational Workshops

Our workshops are tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the intended group or audience attending, and a specialist psychologist is assigned to conduct and facilitate each workshop. Although a common focus tends to be related to neurodevelopmental ‘problems’ or ‘concerns’, we have generated many practical, informative and educational programmes and talks focussing on different facets of children, adolescents, and adults and the intersection between their well-being, quality of life, the support and understanding they may require for thriving, and an optimal environmental ‘fit’.

Our workshops may be broad or specific, depending on what is required. The delivery focus (and process) of each workshop and practical learning seminar is designed according to the context and need – be this in the school, familial/parenting sphere, corporate or occupational setting, or for other professionals.

Psychoeducation Workshops

Our workshops are tailored to the specific need and requirements of the intended group or audience that will be attending and a specialist Psychologist is assigned to conduct and facilitate each workshop. Although a common focus tends to be related to neurodevelopmental ‘problems’ or ‘concerns’, we have generated many practical, informative and educational programmes and talks focussing on different facets of children, adolescents and adults and the intersection between their well-being, quality of life, and the support and understanding they may require for thriving and an optimal environmental ‘fit’.

Our workshops may be broad or specific in nature, depending on what is required.  The delivery focus (and process) of each our workshops and practical learning seminars is designed accordingly for context and need  – be this in the school, familial/parenting sphere, for other professionals, or in the corporate or occupational setting.

ECD, School and Tertiary Education Centre-based Training Workshops:

Our training provided to education settings, institutions or groups focuses on providing a comprehensive scope for any requested topic identified as an area of need or supported by the school or learning institutions. Although a bespoke talk would not itself be accredited with SACE, the Neurodiversity Centre itself is a registered SACE provider [no. PR000000813 NEURODIVERSITY CENTRE].

We take great care in understanding the organizational/institutional need, and design and deliver our workshops accordingly.

Training in the Workplace

The centre also offers specialist consultation, training and supportive inclusion, advocacy and workplace optimization training, workshops and collaborative support programmes for individuals and employers. Our Neurodiverse workplace programme content is dependent on the need of the individual or organization, and . In this capacity we work alongside Auticon, and organisation dedicated to the placement of individuals on the spectrum.

Diagnostic Training for Professionals

We offer accredited,  diagnostic training for professionals in the form of the UK National Autistic Society’s Diagnostic Interview for Social Communication Disorders (DISCO).  Interested professionals can read more here about this assessment framework on this link: NAS UK DISCO webpage.

An additional list of our training programmes for professionals is updated regularly, and is available here.

CPD accredited Training Workshops

We offer accredited,  diagnostic training for professionals in the form of the UK National Autistic Society’s Diagnostic Interview for Social Communication Disorders (DISCO).  Interested professionals can read more here about this assessment framework on this link: NAS UK DISCO webpage.

An additional list of our training programmes for professionals is updated regularly, and is available here.

Naturally, the depth of a talk will rely on several factors, most notably:

  • How long the requested talk is: for example, shorter seminars (e.g., 1h00) may be broader in content and focus than would be the case for longer workshops or presentations.
  • Topic or age group specific talks (e.g., facilitation of primary school autistic children with ESSENCE) will have greater depth than overview talks (e.g., an overview of neurodevelopmental support in the classroom).

Submit training request

Introductory seminars can provide an orientation or opportunity to identify future, contextually-specific learning programmes or seminars.  

In collaboration with your service request, we can assemble a training programme suitable to your needs.  The first step is informing us, as comprehensively as possible, about the nature of your training need and the intended audience. Please complete the training request form on this page to provide us with this information.

Please contact us for an up-to-date listing of all related or overlapping themes and focus areas that may be relevant or interesting to you and/or your school, organisation, ECD and or family.

We look forward to collaborating with you and thank you for contacting us.

Watch our educational talks on a variety of topics.

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